Workshops 2024

Saturday 24th August 2024

Okyo chanting DAODE

Workshop with master Mark van Tongeren:

One year ago Mark van Tongeren visited the school to give a practical introduction on overtone singing. At the end of the day he presented our school an Okyo for chanting. This Okyo we explored in chanting during the retreat in Portugal last Autumn. There was the spatial experience in chanting, hearing the layers of sound unified when chanting as a group. And there were many more individual experiences. Like how it provokes in the body a release of tension specially from the back of the throat along the spine. Or for those not used to singing and using the voice other than for daily communication and sharing of information it was very valuable to discover the own unique voice free from conventions and as a means of expression closely connected to the hands and arm movements, and therefor also the neck and shoulders.
This Saturday Mark Van Tongeren will guide us in the practice of the Okyo based on his rich embodied experiences in playing with sound and his broad knowledge of the huge variations in cultural overtone heritages to be found in the world.
Het is dus nog een beetje undecided of de workshop in het Nederlands of engels gehouden wordt: in ieder geval Nederlands and where necessary we will provide English translations.

10.00- 12.30
lunch break
price : € 65,00
Teacher: Mark van Tongeren
Location ITCCA studio Delft: Ireneboulvard 56, Delft

More about Mark Van Tongeren

Zaterdag 28 sept 2024

Adem1 / Breath

Workshop Invitation: Unlocking the Power of Breath and Movement

Breathing—it's the most natural thing in the world. Like the steady rhythm of our heartbeat, it's a constant, quiet force that sustains us, a comforting reminder that life is always working in our favor. For a long time, I believed there was no need to pay attention to it, thinking it best to focus on shaping our roles in society, our identities, and who we are meant to become.

What I didn’t realize then is that breathing is more than just a background process—it’s deeply responsive to our thoughts and actions. It adapts and shifts, forming patterns that reflect our inner and outer experiences. These patterns may feel comfortable, but they can also create boundaries, limiting our flexibility, space, and ability to move freely. Our breath is not just a physical act; it is part of our embodied identity, reflecting our mindset and how we navigate the world.

In the practice of Tai Chi Chuan, these patterns—both in the body and in breathing—begin to change through movement. As we engage in the flowing, mindful movements of Tai Chi, we open up new pathways for breath, experiencing a profound sense of freedom, vitality, and ease. This transformation is not just physical; it impacts our sense of direction, clarity, and connection to ourselves.

True physical change, however, goes deeper. It reaches into our habits, reshaping the way we think and feel, and touches our very sense of self. By learning to recognize the intimate relationship between breath and the heart-mind (Xin), we begin to understand that each inhale and exhale is a guide, offering insight and wisdom.

Join us in this workshop, where we explore the connection between movement, breath, and the mind.

Duration: 10.00 - 17.00
Lunchbreak: 12.30 - 14.00
Teacher: Maya-Matthea van Staden
Location: Ireneboulevard 56, Delft
Two days ADEM 1 en ADEM 2
Costs: € 125,00 incl. 9% BTW
the ADEM workshop covers two days. The date for ADEM 2 we determine together at day 1. option is 7th december.


Zaterdag 9 november

Zwaard Qi form en flat circle pushing hands

Duur: 10.00 - 17.00
Lunchpauze: 12.30 - 14.00
Docent: Maya-Matthea van Staden
locatie: Ireneboulevard 56, Delft
Kosten: € 65,00 incl. 9% BTW



Intensieve beginnerscursus / Intensive Beginnerscourse

Indien je interesse hebt de beginnerscursus gecomprimeerd in 1 weekend te doen geef dan graag je belangstelling op. We zullen bij voldoende belangstelling een weekend inplannen.
€ 125,00
vrijdag 19.15-20.130
zaterdag en zondag 10.00 -17.00 (lunch pauze 12.30-14.00)